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Hello! On my blog page, I have several different pages exploring the abuses that occur in factories; those factories are often referred to as sweatshops. Living in a border city, I felt that this specific topic had substantial relevance to me. I explore this topic through several different types of genres. My website displays the different links that lead you to my writings and photos that are relevant to my topic. After reading and exploring my web page I hope you leave with one message left lingering in your mind…never turn a blind eye to those in need.

About Me

Hello, my name is Lauren Ramos and I am currently enrolled at The University of Texas at El Paso. I am majoring in Pre- Pharmacy and ideally in two years I will be transferring to the pharmacy school at The University of Texas at Austin. I take pleasure in helping people knowing that I made some kind of difference in their lives. I found that I have a weak stomach so being a doctor wasn’t for me but majoring in the field of Pharmacy enables me to help people and also study my favorite subject, science.  Taking action and being involved is key when trying to attain ones goes. I readily make myself available for any volunteer project that comes my way. While hands on work significantly makes a difference, being educated and aware is just as important. In some of my pages on my blog, I write about certain organizations that help out those less fortunate but I also comment on the sweatshop and the exploitations that happen in these factories. I live in a border city; therefore, this specific topic has significant relevance to me.  In future pages, I will elaborate more on the topic.